Friday, August 19, 2011

The seven faces of intention (from Wayne Dyer's book: The Power of Intention")

A couple days ago, I wrote a blog on the four steps to intention.
Today I will write about the seven faces of intention.

Why is intention so important in our life? When  others call us with the intent of being helped, the quality of the intention in which we respond does matter a great deal.
Many people have grown tired of doctors who talk to them, with the back turned to the patient, filling up a chart. In this case, the patient feels no connection to doctor. The intent of the doctor is clearly felt: fill out the paperwork and get to the next patient. Fortunately, not all doctors are like that, I am just using an example of a situation I experienced to illustrate that the intent shows when we interact with people.

So what are the seven faces of intention? I will list them here, one by one and in quotation mark write a sentence Dr. Dyer used in his book to illustrate each point.
1) the face of creativity
"Creative energy is part of you; it originates in the life-giving Spirit that intends you."
2) the face of kindness
"Research shows that a simple act of kindness directed toward another improve the functioning of the immune system and stimulates the production of serotonin in both the recipient of the kindness and the person extending the kindness."
3)the face of love
"It's the prime moving power of the Universal Spirit of intent. As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it:"Love is our highest word and the synonym for God."
4)the face of beauty
"Seeking beauty in the worst of circumstances with individual intent connects one to the power of intention."
5)the face of expansion
"Spirit is a forming power. It has the principle of increase, meaning that life continues to expand toward more life."
6)the face of unlimited abundance
"Open to the expression of the face of unlimited abundance, and you'll be co-creating your life as you'd like it to be."
7) the face of receptivity
"The receptive face of intention means to me that all of nature is waiting to be called into action. We only need to be willing to recognize and receive."

The universe was created with those seven aspects:  creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, abundance and receptivity. We, each one of us, is a microcosm of the universe.
If we can look at ourselves and ponder on those seven aspects and look within our heart to see how much room we give to each, then it will be time well spent.
©Doris Crompton


  1. Beautiful, I like Wayne Dyer

  2. Thank you, Doris, for all your entries. Very insightful and helpful. I've got a question - when you first started working with the Emotion Code, did you feel you could help yourself as much as you could help others?

  3. Hi Anna, When I first started working with The Emotion Code, I used it primarily on myself. I was so happy and impressed with the results, I thought: "What if i can help others with this too?". That is what motivated me to get certified.
    I still work on myself when things come up, when i feel anxiety about certain things, or hurt, or when i face discouragement: I use it to go to the bottom of it: Where does it come from? There are always deep roots to all emotions, they don't just appear out of no where: so I use the opportunity to clear and clear some more. Along the way, using this, i can testify that I feel a lot better, a lot more empowered, that is why i am so passionate about it.
    It is a wonderful tool! I love it!
    Thank you for asking, Anna!
