Gaining freedom by vanquishing the invading forces was always a source of great joy and celebration. Even years later, ceremonies still commemorate the anniversaries of the end of both world wars.
Freedom...what a gift!
We can speak our minds, go where we want to go, buy things without being rationed, vote and exercise all the other privileges living in a :free society offers.
So far we have talked about freedom from tyrants. By definition 'tyranny' is "despotic abuse of authority"
Is there another kind of tyranny we suffer from, one that is harder to detect but still rules over us?
What about the tyranny of negative emotions?
When, for example, we want to be kind to someone, have all the best intentions to engage in a friendly conversation , yet, time and time and again fall prey to the reoccurring negative, sabotaging effect of a negative emotion like blaming or anger. Doesn't a negative, trapped emotion act as a despot in our own mind and soul, in our energy field? What would you call someone who spoils your intention, ruins your joy, takes away your peace, makes it close to impossible for you to have the kind and loving relationships you so long to have?
It is certainly not a friend. It is a force within that abuses its authority and takes away our freedom to be at peace and happy.
When we struggle with negative trapped emotions can we truly say that we are free? I don't think so.
That is the reason why I would say that the heart is freedom's last frontier. We may live in a free country, but unless we have the total freedom within to be who we truly long to be, we are not totally free: we are still bound by chains that restrict our movement of the heart. Chains that make it so hard to get close to others: we want to but always feel pulled back.
How does all this tie in with the work of The Emotion Code? Through my personal experience and through my experience doing sessions with other people, I can say with certainly that releasing trapped emotions, personal ones as well as ancestral ones, gives us greater freedom of movement: we can love without the interference of the old sabotaging tendencies. It takes time because there are layers upon layers of accumulated trapped emotions but working on releasing them is a wonderfully liberating experience. Working on the heartwall has also changed people's lives. One by one the walls that we built over the years to protect us from hurt, walls that have cut us off from the flow of love are removed. This is the way to attain freedom internally. Once this work is completed, then and only then can we say that we are free.
If you have any questions about how a heartwall can be removed by using Dr. Nelson Emotion Code, please e mail me at
©Doris Crompton
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