Thursday, August 18, 2011

"I am always with you" an experience during a session

I did an Emotion Code session this morning with a wonderful lady from Arizona. She has dealt with a lot during her life, one issue is the divorce of her parents which had a huge impact on her. It happened when she was 8 years old. As the memory of this sad event came up and the emotion of betrayal was being released, I heard a voice saying: "I am always with you."

Now , it's evening, hours after the session and I still feel the warm, comforting and embracing energy of this comment. We both knew where it came from, she said, she could feel it, even though we were miles apart.
Energy knows no distance, the Heart knows no distance. It is, solid, unwavering, eternal, steadfast like a rock that erosion cannot diminish, even one iota. The Heart permeates all and everything in this universe, yet, many times we cannot feel it because we are disconnected.
The "always' felt so deep as in : in the past, the present and into eternity. Always.
That wonderful presence touched my heart too. This is the beauty of doing sessions: when there is a gift for the person calling in, the one who is giving the session shares in the experience. We share the gift.
There is nothing more to add to this, it simply is.
©Doris Crompton

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