Working with clear and focused intent is a very important part of an Emotion Code session.
On page 50 of his book :"The Emotion Code", Dr. Nelson writes: " I sometimes think of it as "emotional surgery" because we are searching out the trapped emotions with a clear intention of removing them."
Understanding and using the power of intention is very important if one wants to be a successful Emotion Code practitioner.
A book written by Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Power of Intention, has been a great source of inspiration for me.
In it, he starts out by a quote by Carlos Castaneda (1925-1998):
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link."
In his book, Wayne Dyer also mentions Lynne McTaggart's book "The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe" and writes that "Her book is filled with studies supporting the existence of a higher, faster energy dimension or field of intention that can be tapped in to and used by everyone."
All we have to do is to have a strong and unwavering desire to help another, and strong and unwavering faith that with intent, miracles can happen. We are co-creating a new reality.
In the case of The Emotion Code, the new reality is a new person, devoid of a certain amount of negative , trapped emotions that were released. We could call is a vibrational energy lift. That is why people report feeling lighter and those around them tell them they look brighter.
What are the four steps of Intention?
According to Wayne Dyer they are:
1) Discipline
2) Wisdom
3) Love
4) Surrender
My experience has been that these four steps are absolutely the stepping stones of a successful practice, on ourselves and others.
It starts with discipline: to be a good conduit of energy, one has to keep oneself free of negative clutter. Since I started doing Emotion Code sessions, I have stopped watching TV almost altogether. I keep informed with reading the headlines and select news articles online but I feel energetically better when distancing myself from news drama.
There are more aspects to discipline which include staying healthy physically, grounding, meditating , etc.
Let us consider the second point: wisdom. When we tap into the greater field of wisdom, it is good to learn to focus and put aside our own thoughts and ideas, go deeper into the field of Infinite Wisdom coming from the Source, which is God.
That leads us to the third point which is love. Since God is a God of Love, if His power and Wisdom are called upon, love has to be part of the equation. When we do sessions on ourselves and others, it has to be done out of love because this is what the Power coming from above is made of.
To do this, the fourth step is necessary: surrender. Surrender is the acknowledgment of a Higher Power. It is like plugging in the Infinite Source that is available to all of us. Tapping into it is our birthright, we do not need anyone's permission to do it.
"O Lord, thou art on the sanbanks
As well as in the midst of the current;
I bow to Thee.
Thou art in the little pebbles
As well as in the calm expanse of the sae;
I bow to Thee.
O all pervading Lord.
Thou art in the barren soil
And in the crowded places;
I bow to thee
-from Veda XVI by Sukla Yajur
The greater our awareness, the deeper our connection of love, the more we will be able to help ourselves and others.
Doris Crompton
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