Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And whose emotions are those anyway?

Have you ever been in a situation where you had some feelings or emotions come up from deep down within you and you were wondering were they came from?
   For example, an unexplained fear, or anxiety can be overwhelming. It could also be an unexplained apprehension to work with a certain type of person because of the way they look, the way they speak or behave. You know that there is no logical reason why you should be on guard but something deep inside makes you feel that you have worked or dealt with that type of person before and it was a bad experience, although you are certain that that recollection is not personal.
Could it be that there is more within us than our personal memory? Could it be that we carry in us the memory of our forefathers? We are the product of our ancestral line, physically speaking, we all agree on that but is there more that we have inherited?
After doing so many sessions of The Emotion Code and realizing that so many trapped emotions are, in fact, of ancestral origin, I became more and more interested in understanding this phenomenon better.
Let me give you a couple of examples:

- In June, we went to a family reunion to Canada. My husband's parents were born there, still many family members live there so my husband was so looking forward to going as he did not see his cousins for over 30 years. That trip had been planned since last year. In the beginning of the planning, I felt some anxiety about going. Anytime such a situation comes up, I do a session on myself to find out where this emotion is coming from. I found out, through muscle testing, that it was ancestral, coming from my mother's side. This did not surprise me a bit, my mother has always been very fearful about leaving home. I took this opportunity to clear the emotion of anxiety in me , in her and in all the generations involved who had that trapped emotion. Coming from Europe, it is not surprising to find that people are fearful of certain things as there have been so many wars through the centuries, properties destroyed, lives lost....lots of memories of pain and loss.

Once this emotion of anxiety was released, I felt completely different about our trip, warmed up to the idea of having a vacation with the family and even felt excited about it. We ended up having a wonderful trip. Thank goodness, I had a way of releasing the anxiety , if I had not done that, I would have missed out on so much!

Another example of how ancestral emotions can affect people is the case of a young man from Japan with whom I did a Skype session. His mother had recommended that he speaks with me: he had been suffering for years from migraine headaches. The first trapped emotion that was found during the session was stubbornness. It was an inherited emotion, coming from his father's side. I asked him if this resonated with him. He told me that it certainly did: he was stubborn and so was his dad. After clearing this trapped emotion and all the others that were found that day, the young man reported later that his headaches were gone.

That brings me to the point I would like to explain today: where do these inherited trapped emotions reside within us?  As Dr. Nelson, author and teacher of The Emotion Code explains in his book: "In the same way you inherit your eye color or the shape of your nose from your father and mother and other ancestors, you can also inherit trapped emotions from them." (p.216)

Vianna Stibal, author of "Theta Healing" explains in her book: "Within the construct of DNA is genetic memory that goes back at least seven generations and in the morphogenetic field are belief systems that are holding on  to information that has been stored by past generations for centuries. We're not just physical, we're mental and spiritual energy as well, and it has been  found that many things we do in our lives are not just governed by what we believe, but by what our ancestors believed. Beliefs can be handed down from generation to generation from one person's belief system into another person's, via the morphogenetic field." (p.78)

I am very grateful that The Emotion Code offers a way to clear ancestral trapped emotions. We love those inherited emotions that serve us but do not want to continue carrying those who do not serve us. Once those are cleared, we can live our lives on a higher plane because we have risen ABOVE those emotions that weighed us down.

Let me tell you, it feels great to rise above!
©Doris Crompton

PS: Please visit my new website:

1 comment:

  1. Very good point Doris. Understanding that sometimes thing are not from "me" makes it so much easier to deal with.
