Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My experience with The Emotion Code

When I studied the seminar that is online (www.healerslibrary.com), I was deeply moved by Dr. Nelson when he said, more than once, that the Emotion Code is a gift from God. In the book, he wrote that it is the result of prayer. He also strongly recommends the practitioners to pray for guidance before each session and to say a prayer of gratitude at the end. I would not do it any other way because tapping in the subconscious to identify and release trapped emotions is sacred work.

hat amazes me, every time I do a session is the precision with which it can be found at what age a certain emotion got trapped in the person's subconscious or what ancestral line it came from. It is of great comfort to know that those trapped emotions found in ancestors can also be released from them. One time, as i was doing a session over the phone with a lady from NY, we were working on a trapped emotion that originated from her maternal grand father.

All of a sudden, I saw the face of a man, with a thick black mustache, thick head of hair and very skinny face. As i described him to her, she said that this was indeed her grandfather. This showed me that this work is for real.  Dr. Nelson told that his daughter had an experience once when she was doing an ancestral emotional release that she saw a female ancestor thanking her for doing it.

Many times, emotions do get passed on in families, such as anger (raging), pride, the feeling of being unworthy...etc. If there is no way of releasing them, it will continue to be passed on. To know that emotions can be released is such great news----I wonder if all those reading the book are aware of the possibilities. Trapped emotions can make people sick. In massage school we learned that "the issues are in the tissues" and also "your biography becomes your biology".

Louise Hay in her book "You can heal your life" showed very clearly which negative emotion/feeling is causing which dis-ease. This is not new knowledge. What is new is that we can do something about it and thus have a better chance for better health and happier relationships.

nce trapped emotions are released, once we have worked on reducing the heartwall, people feel so much better. I felt a change, felt less tormented, less prone to criticize, much more at peace and also more able to have a more harmonious relationship with my husband and children. Now I realize that what made me react negatively before, or act offended for even small stuff are trapped emotions that run like old programs in our subconscious database and sabotage our lives.

How many feel this dilemma: we want so much to be kind to one another but fall into the pit of argument. Let me give you one example: my daughter (19) goes to college locally and comes home on week-ends. One Friday, she came home and almost immediately left again to visit with friends. It made me feel very bad because she was not spending time at home. When I checked what emotion it was, I found it to be grief. It is true, i was grieving her. Once i released it, all the bad feelings I had just minutes ago vanished and I felt so much better. Another time, I felt offended by the way she handled a situation and i was planning on having a serious talk with her when she came home.

I took the time to check what emotion and found pride. Once I realized that it was pride and released it, this urge of confronting her went away and I did not feel the need any longer to talk to her, a talk that would have turned into an argument, for sure.

So I find using this therapy extremely useful. it helps to get to know ourselves better instead of being the puppet of our negative emotions. We are not truly free when we feel like a puppet and continue behaving in a way we regret later.

On facebook, some people who I did a session with left some comments on my wall.  This is from Edwin V. from Belgium: "A few weeks ago Doris has offered me a complimentary session through skype (audio only). Doris has a natural kindness and authority to make people feel comfortable towards something they're perhaps not familiar with. I was impressed by the speed and confidence with which she went through the whole procedure.

I can not fully assess the whole impact that this one session may have had on me. But I can testify about at least one very noticeable difference I felt before and after this session.

In certain situations I used to have a very strong fear of height, to an extent that it could almost paralyze me emotionally. As a teenager I used to walk and run on high mountain trails without any concern or consideration for life threatening danger. But then on this one trip to the Swiss Alps I got unexpectedly struck by terrible fear to fall into the abyss. I didn't understand how suddenly I got so emotionally blocked.

uring the Emotion Code session the blocked emotion of fear was pointed out, analyzed, correctly dated and traced back to this particular experience in the Alps, and eventually removed. I can testify that through this session I came to feel a noticeable difference in my attitude towards heights. Soon after the session I had to climb on some ladders and even step on the roof. I was still very careful in doing this, but surprisingly I noticed that I was no longer bothered by the same emotional heavyness which I would usually feel in such situations.

Thanks to Doris I should now quickly book some holidays in the Alps just to double check if I'm really completely liberated from this fear of heights! :-)


This one is from Jan B. (Florida): "Had an "emotion code" releasing session with Doris. I feel a wonderful difference. I am naturally avoiding "toxic" stimuli and feel more attracted to positive uplifting activities. I feel I am discovering newer realms of my soul.


 I truly believe that this healing modality has amazing transformative potential for whoever uses it or allows someone to use it on them. It can stop the harassing conflict within, it can help relationships tremendously,-first the one with ourselves, then with our family and people at large.

Doris Crompton
PS: Please visit my new website: www.liberatingemotions.com

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