Thoughts on Rumi's quote
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi
When I came across this quote, I felt that it fitted very well with the work The Emotion Code does, namely removing barriers that block the heart from giving and receiving love. Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of The Emotion Code calls this barriers: the heartwall.
Many people are experiencing an amazing shift in their life when the heartwall is being removed: a new awareness to love, a deeper sensitivity to feelings of acceptance, fulfillment, wholeness. It can be compared to a person, being in a dark room with thick curtains drawn, believing that he sun is not shining. How many people are there that believe that love does not happen to them because they cannot feel it. They may have had an experience of distrust, hurt, even heartache. To protect their heart from further hurt, barriers were set up for protection. This is a normal reaction. As Dr. Nelson explained in his book though, it is alright to hide in a bunker when there is an explosion but it is not alright to live in a bunker.
How many people walking around today live safely in their bunker, not reaching out to others, also not receiving from others. Some even believe that even God does not love them.
The only way to bring an end to this self-made prison is to tear those walls down: this is what removing the heartwall using The Emotion Code is all about. It is an amazing experience to realize that love was there all along for each of us, now it is time to enjoy it! It is truly the beginning of a new life: once we experience the joy and the delight of life beyond the walls, we never, ever want to return.
©Doris Crompton
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