Thursday, October 4, 2012

What Nature Teaches Us

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. This picture above, of a simple leaf, may contain the secret to life, happiness and prosperity.
Just looking at it closely, we can feel the peaceful and harmonious connectivity of all the cells in this plant. Nature truly inspires me!

We can learn so much from God's creation: how to relate to one another, how to communicate, how to work together for the health, wellness and prosperity of all people.

Who ever started the trend that says that we need conflict to achieve these goals? Who coined the phrase, "fight your way to the top"? Who started it does not matter as much as at what point, we, as individuals, bought into the mentality of struggle and conflict.

Our life is taking on the reality expressed in our belief systems. If we do believe that struggle and strife are necessary to progress, then they will manifest in our life. All of us are powerful co-creators.
Whatever we create, we need to own and take responsibility for.

If what we create is not to our liking, or even gives us sorrow and pain, we need to go back to the drawing board just like an architect would do. We are the architects of our life. That also means  that there are no victims, only co-creators who have not stepped into their power yet.

What kind of negative trapped emotions would hold us back from our God-given power? Self-doubt, lack of self-esteem, hopelessness, depression, just to name a few.

What kind of positive emotions would help us go back into our creative power? Confidence, courage, hope, love, and any other that feeds our soul and strengthens our resolve to success.

It is all a matter of choice: we can change the way we express ourselves.
As  the Prayer of Saint Francis says so well, we can ask for help so we can move from hatred to love, from discord to harmony, from error to truth, from doubt to faith, from despair to hope, from the shadows to the light.

If enough people do that, a tipping point will be reached and society , as a whole, will be more peaceful. There will be less violence and deaths at the hands of terrorists. Hopefully, as a society, we will  learn , in a not so distant future, to live harmoniously as nature so beautifully shows us.
Doris Crompton

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