Friday, October 19, 2012

"Trains of thoughts" are real and they do take us many places. When the thought is good and uplifting, this train will take us to a beautiful place. Wonderful memories are evoked, we relive a special time and we feel so good!
When the thought is negative, this train will take us to a dark and unpleasant place. Life seems made of too many obstacles, it feels cold and hopeless, even downright depressing.
Many times, when we feel going down this path, we are not aware that we could get off this train, change platforms and take another one that will take us to a brighter, more pleasant place.

In life, there is always a choice. If it is too difficult to do this alone, we can talk to a friend who can help us gain perspective. Sometimes, that is all we need to wake up to reality and change course.

As the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley, says so beautifully:
"It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul"

"I AM" is a very powerful expression of our identity. Let us affirm our strength and power, let us not allow circumstances to dictate our life and define who we are.

Let us be in charge of that train and let us not allow the train to take us for a ride we don't want to be on.
Let us choose a positive outlook and hope. 
Wishing you a most wonderful ride!
Doris Crompton

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