Friday, October 12, 2012

Energy healing modality helps deal with stress

In an age where many are looking for alternative health treatments, energy healing modalities have become more and more popular. One of the reasons being that many health conscious people are looking for a drug free approach to their problems, especially when emotional stress is the cause of their discomfort.

The chronic stress, like the stress of a challenging relationship or a very taxing job, can be very damaging to the body. Stress triggers the body's response to perceived threat and activates the fight-or-flight response. Hormones , such as adrenalin and cortisol, are released and start a whole chain reaction in the body that can include the speeding of the heart rate, a slowing digestion, the reduction of blood flow to major muscle groups and the changing of other autonomic nervous functions.
Ideally, when the perceived cause of stress is gone, the body should return to a more peaceful and calm state thanks to the relaxation response but because of chronic stress, this rarely happens.  This continuous state of stress is very damaging to the body.

So many people have  physical symptoms that are related to stress, from mild to more severe headaches, to a weakened immune system which makes them more susceptible to colds.
Other conditions attributes to stress are depression, heart disease, digestive problems, anxiety disorders and many more. In fact, over 80% of doctor's visits are attributed to excessive stress.

When we are stressed out, the emotions that we feel can range from mild dread, insecurity to frustration, anger, despair to full blown rage.  What are emotions? Some have called them energy in motion.

Quantum physics has highlighted the fact that on the most minute level, the infinitely small, we are pure energy. Max Planck, the 1918 Nobel prize winner in Physics said: "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”

Since we are energy, it would only make sense to take it into consideration  when trying to deal with physical discomforts and diseases, instead of thinking that the body is a mere agglomeration of various body parts that can only be fixed with surgery and treated with drugs. While surgery and drugs have their place and have saved countless lives, there is, nowadays, a need to alternative treatments centered on energy healing to deal with conditions such as emotional stress.

The Emotion Code is such a modality that deals with helping people overcome negative trapped emotions, those destructive currents of energy that can cause havoc in the body, in our relationships, our career and other aspects of  life.
Most of those emotions are in the subconscious mind, some of them are personal, from our own life experiences, some of them are inherited, through the DNA from our parents and other generations before them.

Let me give you a couple of examples: A  lady called me a few months ago about her three year old grand son. His behavior had gotten out of control. He was trying to bite his little sister and his behavior was so out of hands, his parents did not know anymore how to handle him. I did a session with her for the little boy. Many emotions were found, such as frustration, helplessness, conflict. I also found quite a few inherited emotions such as anger, grief, rejection and vulnerability.
A few days after the session, this lady called me and told me how pleased they all were that her grand son had calmed down considerably. That improvement was noticeable just after that one session.

A young woman, in her early 20s called me for a session. Her problem was that she had a very hard time expressing herself in public, even at her job. This frustrated her greatly and made her feel she may not be able to make progress and get a better position. When I started the Emotion Code session with her, I found out, by using muscle testing, that an event had happened to her at age 9 that involved the emotions of rejection, fear, humiliation and helplessness. I asked her what happened to her  and she went on to say that she had been , at camp, in a circle with children of her age group. They read a story, passing the book from one child to the next. When her turn came, she became tongue tied. She could not read. She felt very badly about it. In subsequent years, as she went on to school, she found it terrifying to read reports in front of a class. Now she was at her job, facing the same kind of challenge. That block was still there.
During an Emotion Code session, once a negative trapped emotion is found, it is released. Once all the trapped emotion surrounding this event were released, this young lady experienced a breakthrough. A couple of weeks later, she had to make a small presentation at her job and it went well for her. She was so happy!

Both situations involved stressful situations caused by negative trapped emotions. As Dr. Bradley Nelson, the author of the The Emotion Code wrote, speaking of trapped emotions: "It is my experience that a significant percentage of physical illness, emotional difficulty and self-sabotage are actually caused by these unseen energies."

In his book, Dr. Nelson gives many examples of healing, physical and emotional, that are the direct result of using his energy modality. During my two years of practice, I have witnessed also many breakthroughs and healing with the clients I work with. I encourage anyone looking for an alternative approach to wellness to look into energy healing modalities such as the Emotion Code.
Doris Crompton

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