Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to deal with nagging negative emotions?

Have you ever felt so overcome by a certain emotion like grief, heartache or anger, that no matter what you did, where you kept on consuming you?
It felt like something was gnawing at you, deeply inside your being and even affecting you physically. At times, making you feel tired, unmotivated or even downright sick.
This is an example of what trapped emotions do to us.

When you hurt, that is all you can think about. Sometimes staying busy will ease the discomfort but then, something you see or hear reminds you of your pain and it triggers your internal wounds and you feel crippled emotionally, once again. You may try to ignore it because people around you may not understand why you are so emotional. You would rather deal with those feelings yourself because when you express them in the open, someone may roll their eyes at you.

Many think by sleeping long enough or eating their favorite sugary treats will help their pain body (as Eckhart Tolle calls it) be healed. Emotional eating does not heal the pain of the heart, all it does is pile on the pounds. Been there, done that.

Since emotions are  'energy in motion' -e-motion-, a healing energy modality has to be used to move them. The Emotion Code is such a modality. I have used it for two years now and must say that it is so amazing how it helps identify and release those nagging, heavy, joy-stealing emotions that make life so miserable and make it so hard to live life fully.

It has changed my life and has helped those I did sessions with in incredible ways.

If you feel overcome by a one of those negative emotions and are ready to let go of them, please contact me. Sessions can be done over the phone, even by Skype for those outside the US. In energy healing work, distance does not matter.

Doris Crompton,

Here are my recommendations from LinkedIn


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