Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Addictive Heart Energy

I was listening again to a very interesting webinar Dr. Nelson, the author of The Emotion Code, gave last year, Nov. 4, 2010. In this webinar, he talked, for the first time, of the addictive heart energy.

First let me share a few notes from this webinar because the points shared are very educational in nature:
- The subconscious mind is a computer system that holds all the answers. It will give you all the answers you want if you ask in a "yes or no" format.
-We may ask: " Do I have a trapped emotion that is contributing to my anger?"
                 or" Is there a trapped emotion contributing to my back pain?"
Many have experienced relief emotionally and physically once the negative trapped emotions that were contributing to their specific problem were released.

The questions Dr. Nelson asked was: "How would it feel like when
*we can open our heart to love and happiness again?
*when we can communicate with the subconscious genius within us?
*when we can break the cycle of generational violence and abuse,
*when we can blow away blocks to success?
*when we can stop other people to run our life?
*when we can stop anxiety, depression, panic attacks?
*when we can remove the major cause of disease?

We long to be who we are supposed to become: if we are not there, it is because of self-sabotaging and self-defeating behaviors.

Dr. Nelson went on to explain what Kirlian photography is: with this type of photography, one can see the energy field of plants, grains of wheat, even of human fingertips.
That energy is called chi, ki or prana. All is energy all the rocks, plants , people , all is composed of pure energy.

Emotions are energy too. We can have different emotions which have different vibrational levels. For example: grief and frustration each have their own specific vibration. Normally, negative emotions can be processed but when they are very deep, they become trapped and cause problems.
Trapped emotions distort the lines of energy in the energy body. Symptoms (of dis-ease) will appear later on.

If the trapped emotion of anger is present in us, we will feel anger more readily because part of our energy body is already vibrating anger. (That is the reason why for some people it takes but a very weak trigger to set their rage off -(remark added)

Besides having a heart wall, we also can have addictive heart energy.: it is the driving force behind addictions.
How do we know that we have an addictive heart energy? It is done by muscle testing the same way we do for trapped emotions.

What is an addictive heart energy?
* it does not occur without a heartwall
*it is an intense attraction in the heart
*the driving force behind addictions
*it can feed multiple addictions simultaneously
*people can be addicted to work, negative behaviors, as well as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, pornography, etc.

First release the heartwall, then the addictive heart energy.
Dr. Nelson said that the deepest part of our heart wants to go back to the presence of God. The results can be very hopeful.
A question  he answered is: Can an addictive heart energy be released without being disclosed? The answer is 'yes'.

This is wonderful news for all those suffering from addictions. To have finally a way to release those destructive energies will bring lasting relief for many.
Thank you, Dr. Nelson for offering this much needed solution to the world!
If you would like an Emotion Code session to help you release your heartwall and help you overcome addictions, please call me for a session.
If you know someone who is struggling with such issues, please let them know that the Emotion Code can help them.
Also, please take a minute to check out my new website: www.liberatingemotions.com
Doris Crompton

emotioncodehealing@gmail.com   Please contact me for more details. Thanks for your interest!

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