Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wanda's story: A testimony of healing with The Emotion Code

I have known Wanda for many years. She is a compassionate and loving woman who has cared for homeless women in Mobile, AL and has run a shelter for years, taking in those who had no where else to go
. I have always admired her opening her doors and caring for those society seemed to reject.
Yet, in her heart, she had many struggles herself that we were not aware of because she wanted so much to be strong for others. Her faith and her prayers kept her strong. Yet, she looked for help. When Wanda found out I was doing energy healing work with The Emotion Code, she contacted me. Something in her heart and intuition, told her that it may help her.
Here is what she wrote to me after just one session. It is quite amazing how releasing a dozen trapped emotions can make such a difference!
Here is Wanda’s story. I hope it will inspire you and give you hope and inspiration as it has given me!
Doris Crompton

My Testimony
Liberating Emotions-Energy Healing with Doris really works!
I have never experienced anything like this before. When it comes to dealing with my problems, I am not the one to gripe and complain. I usually say I am going to give it to God and leave it there. But sometimes, I will pick it back up again and will try to fix it. I am and have been the one who would listen and always go out of my way to help others, the counselor, good old Wanda Randolph, aka Sister Hope, Bishop Wanda Randolph, the Homeless Ministry lady can help and will go out of her way for you.
I have been going through difficulties, emotionally, for more than 11 years, dealing with problems and the separation with my siblings and my family who has alienated me. Once I ended up in the hospital on the heart monitor in the ICU room, after the first 3 years of dealing with it. The doctor had told me I had a broken heart. Right then, I rebuked what the doctor said and left the hospital with a made up mind to live without my siblings and family in my life.
After all these years have past, being apart from my family, I began to feel the weight of the loss again and it began to weigh me down. I was so full of pain in my heart, the tears once again were uncontrollable. I couldn’t think nor eat. No matter how I tried to give my problems to God, this time the problems seem to me that I could not get things off my mind. After making contact with Doris about the Emotion Code, I didn’t know what she really was talking about the Emotion Code. It all sounded like Greek to me.
My New Beginning
Doris set an appointment up with me the next day. Doris is so energetic, so full of life, so peaceful looking, and most all so full of joy and so happy, I said to myself that used to be me. I asked Doris about the Emotion Code and how it works. She said first let’s pray, then she played a video for about 30 minutes and then began to share how the Emotion Code worked for her and others.
The first demonstration she did with me was amazing. She shared with me the chart of emotions, and I learned about emotional baggage that causes people health problems. It was amazing, after tapping into my energy level and finding out why I had so many tears. So many hurtful emotions were released. During the session, I had a vision of a door opening, in my soul, and those negative emotions were leaving me. It was almost unbelievable! The day after the session, I had to see my doctor today and she marveled about how much better I sounded.
Already I got joy, peace, and happiness, and after 11 years of being separated from my siblings and my family, I got a call tonight and all of my family welcomed me back into the family with love in their hearts. We are now planning our Family Reunion together. God blessed our family and is restoring me and healing me emotionally through Liberating Emotion Energy Healing with Doris. I will have my next session in February.
LIBERATING EMOTION-ENERGY HEALING with Doris Crompton is truly a miracle from God. Thank you Doris for helping me love myself again.
Wanda Randolph

This testimony is also posted on my new website:  taken from
PS: Please visit my new website:

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