Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tapping into the body's wisdom to find much sought after answers

We are continuously searching for answers, asking questions from the time we were children.
All kinds of questions about things around us, the world, life, death and the innumerable issues that come with it.
To find answers, we ask those around us. Children do that, all the time. As we grow older, we try to find our own answers in books, documentaries, by talking to professionals.
Nietzche said: There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophies."

Many are looking for answers especially when it comes to understanding why they feel the way they do. Those answers will not be found in someone else's book : those answers will be found when  we go within, when we tap in our body's wisdom.
How can we retrieve this wisdom? The most known and common method used for this purpose is muscle testing or applied kinesiology. It is a great way to communicate with the body.
By tapping into the wisdom within, we can find out answers to questions such as: "Why am I feeling this way?" "What is blocking me from feeling joy, peace, love...?"

How to learn to muscle test? Dr. Bradley Nelson explains various method of muscle testing in bis book , The Emotion Code. Another good source of information in this matter is Dr. David Hawkins' book, Power vs. Force.
For those who have a hard time mastering the art of muscle testing, it can also be done by proxy, even at a distance. In energy work, distance does not matter. Any Emotion Code practitioner can act as a proxy for anyone else, wherever they are on the planet as long as, of course, that person agrees to it.

This idea that there is so much wisdom in the body may not be of common knowledge. I wanted to point it out as it is a precious source of information. As Donald Neale Walsh said in this first book, Conversations with God, "If you don't go within, you go without." 

Irene Claremont de Castillejo, a Jungian analyst, said: "Emotion always has its roots in the unconscious and manifests itself in the body."
There are no CT scans or MRI machines that will help us find out what is in the subconscious. No physical equipment will do that because it is made of energy, therefore only an energy method will work. 
Some people wonder if a certain experience they had in their childhood, youth or even adult life has affected them emotionally and/or physically. Sometimes we may think we forgave someone and that what we experienced is "behind us", only to discover that it is still very much with us. Sometimes we may think that we are "over" a dear one's passing or the loss of a job ...Holding on to the grief, the anger, the disappointment or the hopelessness or any other such emotion will eventually have consequences that are not favorable to our health and well being. That is the reason why it is important to check, just in case such negative emotions are still in our energy field. 
Some people keep on attracting similar unfavorable events or unwanted people in their lives just because there is an negative energy within them that keeps on attracting them. The law of attraction--like attracts like-- works both ways: it brings to us what we like and what we dislike, even hate. That is the reason why it is so important to remove anything negative from our field.
All this can be tested and removed energetically, even from the distance. 

So  let us tap into the wisdom within and be free from any unwanted emotions to go through this new year only attracting in our life events and people that we resonate with and that bring us prosperity and success!

If you would like some more information on this, please e mail me @ 
Doris Crompton

PS: Please visit my new website:

1 comment:

  1. Doris,
    Thank you, I especially like the Donald Neale Walsh quote from, Conversations with God, "If you don't go within, you go without." How very true that is, even those of us who feel we only have a small relationship with God, without that we have nothing.
    Life is Very Good, but only as good as we believe it can be.
