Thursday, December 15, 2011

Releasing the heartwall is the key to allow more love and joy to come into our heart.

Have you ever wandered what blocks you from receiving all the love and affection you so truly long for?
We feel, deep down, that we are created to give and receive love. Love is what makes our heart sing, love is what makes us look forward to the new day. Love is what makes life worth living and worth celebrating.
But reality is often different: we find it hard to feel that zest for life, we find it hard to feel the love even with family and friends around us who care.
What blocks the flow of that love? This is Dr. Bradley Nelson's greatest discovery: the existence of the heartwall. The heartwall is made of negative trapped emotions that form an energetic enclosure around our heart chakra: that enclosure was first put up in order to protect us from harm and more hurt but, with time, this enclosure has become the wall of out self-made prison.
We have all done that: we had a bad experience, our heart was hurt, we felt let down and then we thought: "I am never going to let this happen again, I put up a fence to block any other opportunity for anyone to hurt me ever again."  What we did not realize is that that fence we put up also blocks any more love to come into our life. So we end up feeling isolated and miserable.

Releasing this heartwall is a wonderful way to clear all the obstacles so that all that love, that we so long for, can come to us. There is a lot of talk nowadays about "tearing down the walls". Did we ever realize that, in our own hearts, there is also a wall that needs tearing down?

Here is a great article, y Dr. Bradley Nelson, the author of The Emotion Code, about the heartwall.

The way to release the heartwall is described in Dr. Nelson's book. If you need help with it, please e mail me for a session.
Life is more wonderful and magical when the barriers that block us have been removed! We will feel free to give and receive with the innocence and positive expectation of a child.
Best wishes to all,
Doris Crompton


  1. Very good article, Doris. Thanks for your good work!
    Karen Kegley

  2. Thank you, Karen! I really appreciate your comment and support!
